No, but making videos about it can feel uncomfortable…Do you want to learn to lacto ferment vegetables? Do you want to make pickles? Learn to make your own kimchi? Maybe you wonder: Is fermentation hard? Is lacto fermentation dangerous? It isn’t at all, in fact it is one of the safest preservation methods of all. If this is something you have been reluctant to try maybe now is the time to push past your comfort zone and learn to ferment at home. Like most of us on this planet right now I am also getting the opportunity to leave my comfort zone to keep doing what I do. Teach fermentation! Christopher and I are both learning a lot of new skills in order to pivot. As someone who has made an income teaching humans together in both big and small settings my work is on hold until we can all get back together. Yet we both feel fermentation skills are more important today than ever. Fermentation is a lot of fun, but I think that it is also more than a hobby. It is a chance to interact with our food, preserve and enliven our foods with more nutrients which are more available to our systems. Fermentation is all about healthy food that our bodies evolved with and crave. Its about food security in unsure times and a strong microbiome (read strong immune system). All that to say we are slowly working on bringing fermentation masterclasses to you from our home. I don’t think I am alone in thinking video work is hard. It is hard not to have a live audience and all the energy. Here is an outtake of our first course that proves we are either having too much fun, or I have indeed lost it. This outtake is from our first online fermentation course ever—Flower Power. This class is about capturing and using wild yeast to ferment fruit juices into wild wines.